Lin, Ph.D.
Phone: +82-2-2220-0358
E-mail: mclin@hanyang.ac.kr
Office: R&D Building (304산학기술관), Room 401-1
Lab: Multidisciplinary Computational Laboratory (MCL), located at R&D
Building (304산학기술관), Room 703
Current Position
Professor, Department of Electrical and
Biomedical Engineering, Hanyang University
Ph.D. in Electrophysics,
National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
M.S. in Electrophysics,
(Completed Physics Education Program), National Chiao
Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
B.S. in Electrophysics,
(Minor in Management Science), National Chiao Tung
University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Work Experience
Visiting Scholar at IHM, Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
Honorary International Chair Professor
of National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Research Scientist and Consultant at
Tech-X Corporation, Boulder, CO, USA
Founder and CEO at Tech-X Taiwan Co.,
Ltd., New Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Visiting Scholar at the Plasma Theory
and Simulation Group (PTSG), UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA
Founder and Group Leader at NanoScience Simulation Laboratory (NSSL), Fu Jen Catholic
University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Assistant Professor at Physics
Department, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Visiting Scientist at Physics Division,
National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS), Taiwan, R.O.C.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute
of Nanotechnology, National Chiao Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Joint
Department, Deh Yu Institute of Technology, Keelung,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, NanoScience Research Team, R&D Department, National
Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC), Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Visiting Physicist, Klystron/Microwave
Department, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC), Stanford, CA, USA
Assistant Scientist, Materials &
Electro-Optics Research Division, Chung-Shan Institute of Science and
Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Professional Associations
Research Fellow of the Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation (The Humboldtian)
IEEE Senior Member
APS Member
NCTS Focus Group Member of Plasma
NCTS Focus Group Member of
Computational Materials Research
Teaching Courses
2023.09-2023.12: Field and Wave Electromagnetics
for Undergraduates.
2023.03-2023.06: Particle-in-Cell
Simulations of EM/Plasma Systems for Graduate Students. Engineering Electromagnetics for
2022.09-2022.12: Photonic Crystals and
Numerical Methods and Modeling for Graduate Students.
2022.03-2022.06: Engineering Quantum
Mechanics for Graduate Students. Engineering Electromagnetics and Modern
Physics for Undergraduates.
2021.09-2021.12: Photonic Crystals and
Numerical Methods and Modeling for Graduate Students.
2020.09-2020.12: Career Development II for
2020.03-2020.06: Engineering Quantum
Mechanics for Graduate Students. Engineering Mathematics I and Modern
Physics for Undergraduates.
2019.09-2019.12: Photonic Crystals for
Graduate Students. Engineering Mathematics II for
2019.03-2019.06: Particle-in-Cell
Simulations of EM/Plasma Systems for Graduate Students. Engineering Mathematics I and Modern
Physics for Undergraduates.
2018.03-2018.06: Microwave Physics and
Applications for Graduate Students. Engineering Mathematics I and Modern
Physics for Undergraduates.
2017.09-2017.12: Photonic Crystals and
Numerical Methods and Modeling for Graduate Students. Engineering Mathematics
II for Undergraduates.
2016.03-2016.06: Particle-in-Cell
Simulations of EM/Plasma Systems for Graduate Students. Engineering Mathematics
I and Modern Physics for Undergraduates.
2016.09-2016.12: Engineering
Mathematics II for Undergraduates.
2016.03-2016.06: Engineering Mathematics
I and Modern Physics for Undergraduates.
2015.09-2015.12: Photonic Crystals and Numerical Methods
and Modeling for Graduate Students. Engineering Mathematics II for
2015.03-2015.06: Particle-in-Cell
Simulations of EM/Plasma Systems for Graduate Students. Engineering Mathematics I and Modern
Physics for Undergraduates.
2014.09-2014.12: Material Processing of
Semiconductor for Graduate Students.
2007.08-2008.07: Quantum Physics,
Microwave Physics and Applications (International Co-teaching with Prof. John Verboncoeur at UC Berkeley), Seminar, Physics of
Nano-semiconductor, Monographic Project of Nano-physics calculations,
Monographic Project for Undergraduate Students.
2006.08-2007.08: Quantum Physics,
Microwave Physics and Applications, Seminar, Physics of Nano-semiconductor,
Monographic Project of Nano-physics Calculations, Monographic Project for
Undergraduate Students.
2005.08-2006.08: Electromagnetism,
Physics (School of Medicine), Microwave Physics and Applications, Lasers,
Nano-Optoelectronics, monographic project of nano-physics
calculations, monographic project for undergraduate students.
2004.08-2005.08: Electromagnetism,
Physics, Optics, Lasers, Nano-physics, Monographic Project for Undergraduate
2003.08-2004.08: Physics , Electronics
, Applied Electronics, Electromagnetism , Monographic Project of Nano-physics
Calculations, Quantum Mechanics , Transmission Theorem of the Nano-Heterostructures , Monographic Project for Undergraduate
Research Interests
Particle-in-Cell Simulations of
EM/Plasma Systems.
Industrial Plasma Processing, Magnetron
Sputtering, CCP, ICP, and MPECVD.
Heavy Ion Tumor Therapy
Genome SNP Analysis
Photonic Crystals, Plasmonics,
and Near-Field Optics.
First-Principles Computational
Transport Properties in
Vacuum Electronics (Magnetrons,
Klystrons, TWTs, Gyrotrons, and Field emission based
high power THz and millimeter wave generators).
Numerical Simulations based on
Switchless HPC clusters.
PC Clusters and High-Performance
Computing (HPC) based on Xeon Phi and GPUs.
Artificial Intelligence-Developing Beta
Chinese Chess and Improving Image and Pattern Recognition.
Honor and Award
"Humboldt Research Fellowship for
Experienced Researchers", selected by the AvH
Foundation in November 2014 (2015-2018).
DOE SBIR Award Phase II on "Gyrotron Design and Evaluation using New Particle-in-Cell
Capability" (2011-2014).
DOE SBIR Award Phase I on "Gyrotron Design and Evaluation using New
Particle-in-Cell Capability" (2010-2011).
NSC 45th Short-term Study
Abroad Research Grant "Saturation behavior of field emission in high
electric fields", awarded by NSC (2007).
"1th Marquis's Who's
Who of Emerging Leaders", awarded by Marquis's Who's Who (2007).
"Teaching Award at Fu Jen Catholic
University", awarded by Fu Jen Catholic University (2007).
"1st Marquis's Who's Who in Asia
", awarded by Marquis's Who's Who (2006).
"24th Marquis's Who's Who in the
word ", awarded by Marquis's Who's Who (2006).
"Academic Research Award",
College of Science and Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University (2008).
"Academic Research Award",
College of Science and Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University (2007).
"Academic Research Award",
College of Science and Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University (2006).
"Academic Research Award",
College of Science and Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University (2005).
"Academic Research Award",
College of Science and Engineering, Fu Jen Catholic University (2004).
"7th Marquis's Who's Who in
Science and Engineering", awarded by Marquis's Who's Who (2003-2004).
"Award for the Postdoctoral
Research Fellow to Study Abroad" awarded by Ministry of Education (2002).
"Selected Intelligent Students for
Studying Nature Sciences in Physics", awarded by Ministry of Education (1992).
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